Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Makeshift Curtain

I did it! I crafted! I made a makeshift kitchen curtain.
I did some spring cleaning this afternoon and found an old table cloth (from my small kitchen table in my old dorm). I love the fabric and the colors go well in my kitchen. Andd.. It was the perfect size for my window!

In reality, I tacked a piece of fabric to a window ...
... Ryan's Mom, Lanelle, made the table cloth.
I put two push pins in the top corners.
I cut ribbons and draped them over the top to tie it up.

But I tried, right? Haha. I don't have a sewing machine. It's on my wishlist (that and learning how to sew more than a straight stitch).
I don't think it looks half bad...
It was a spur of the moment craft with things I already had.

I doubt I'll ever leave it like this. I don't like how the ribbons just hang, plus I like the sun coming through!

Just to show how it's just rolled up and tied.

The finished product! At first I just had 2 ribbons, but the middle sank too much.
It does a bit, but not nearly as bad!

I hope to sew it and maybe even add a curtain rod (gettin' fancy! ;)), but for now it serves its purpose!


  1. It reminds me of my attempt at a valance in my bedroom. I took pillow shams from an older bed set and hung them over the frame and then pinned them to the wall.

    In my kitchen I have a table runner and cloth napkins from Pampered Chef tacked to the top of the window molding.

    You're in good company for crafting quickly and easily =) I think it looks cute. =)

  2. Thanks!! You're creations sound great! It is starting to sag way too much. I need to add more tacks along the top and not just in the corners. ;)
