Friday, May 20, 2011

Kiddo Crafts

More past projects. Theses are more children centered. Most are from a Little Girl's Craft Day I had a few months back. Four 3-5 year old girls being cute and crafty; we all loved it! 
 Pasta Jewelery. Very simple to prepare for and huge hit! (What little girl doesn't want to make/wear jewelry) Dye the noodles (penne or any noodle with a wide hole) at least 24 hours before in food coloring and rubbing alcohol. Pat dry and then leave to dry on paper towels over night. And you're ready to string them! I just used purple yarn, taped off the ends so it wouldn't fray. I did tape the opposite end to a note card with the kids names on it, to prevent the noodles from coming off the other end.
Another amazingly easy craft. Prayer Cards! I had all the girls in my Bible class that semester. I used colored card stock cut in 1/4ths, wrote ___ is thankful for ____. I pray to say "Thank you" everyday! We filled in the blanks together and they colored a picture of what they were thankful for in the middle. I have a mini laminator that we used to have a neat finish product. I use my example piece as a bookmark.

I suppose this was our main craft. Handprint placemats! I couldn't find a handprint poem that I loved online, so I edited and combined to come up with a new one. Here's my example.

Here's the back. I went back and bolded ABCDEFG and 1234.
Here's the girl's. They were 2 sided, 2 parts really. The front was the poem and your handprints, the back your friend's handprints and a friendship poem that I came up with. I cut posterboard into 1/4ths and wrote the poems on them the night before. We did the prints. They dried and I put the 2 pieces back to back and laminated them. (I had to do it in 2 pieces rather than just front and back because we only had a few hours, rather than overnight, and no time for them to dry.)

This isn't really a Kiddo Craft, just a kiddo costume. One of the boys that I nanny for wanted to be an iPod for Halloween, but the Mom didn't have time to make his costume. I stepped in and with the help of a printer and dollar tree made a pretty neat costume, if I do say so myself! ;) The Wii is a costume left over from last year that just needed some touch ups. And the Batman... He's my man. That's William, the little boy with austim that I've been working for the longest!

This is from a Christian Day Camp in Columbia. I have the Pre-K Kiddos. By the end of the week we were running out of crafts to do (The other kids do sports and more advanced crafts. We do A LOT of crafts and play.) We had a ton of already completed crafts and left over bags from the previous year ... and paint dotters. :)

Hehe. Each age group puts on a skit at the end of the week for the camp. The pre-k kids did The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I sat in the middle of the stage and read as they acted it out/wondered around around me. We made these caterpillars earlier in the week. I added yarn and made them into necklaces for our costumes (Everyone was a caterpillar). We choose The Very Hungry Caterpillar because I read it on the first day before nap time (and every other day, multiple times at their request.) I love Eric Carle!

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